Securing NTP (Linux Only)

NTP is used for ensuring the time on your dedicated server is accurate. Some configurations of this software cause it to be vulnerable to being abused to conduct DDoS attacks. We suggest fixing the server's configuration so it can no longer be abused.

To prevent abuse:

  1. Open your ntp.conf file (generally in /etc/ntp.conf)
  2. Remove any existing lines that begin with 'restrict'
  3. Add the following four lines to the beginning of the file:
  4. restrict default kod limited nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
  5. restrict -6 default kod limited nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
  6. restrict
  7. restrict -6 ::1
  8. Restart your NTP server with 'service ntpd restart' or 'service ntp restart'
  • Securing NTP
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